Ian is a CBT Therapist working in London. He specialises in Depression and Anxiety Disorders: Generalised Anxiety Disorder (GAD), Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), Social Anxiety, Performance Anxiety and various phobias and behavioural problems, including addictions and substance abuse. He also provides Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy.

Ian works in a variety of locations in London. He is based at the Priory Hospital in Roehampton for two days a week, and also sees clients in Central London, and in Vauxhall in South East London. He is also available for Mindfulness Based Coaching in a non-clinical or business setting, and often works with commercial clients to deliver improved performance and productivit

Ian’s coaching work focuses on Psychological Flexibility as a central principal for well being and mental health.

Ian specialises in Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy (REBT).

He facilitates two weekly REBT based groups on Wednesdays. The group is open to In-Patients, Out-Patients and Day-Care Patients taking part in the Group Therapy Day Care Programme.

Ian is a Senior Lecturer at the College of Cognitive Behavioural Therapies in London lecturing on Diploma, Advanced Diploma and Advanced Integrative I & II Diploma courses. 

He has an MSc in Rational Emotive and Cognitive Behaviour Therapy from Goldsmiths College, University of London.