Halfway through working in fashion as a person who really gravitated towards canvas and books, Gareth started noticing imbalances in other people's bodies, which made him think about the prevention of injuries as well as the injuries themselves. Gareth loved the science of health and wellness and wanted to find a career that enabled him to help so many people.

Whilst working at the Priory, he gained certifications at NCSF (National Council of Strength and Fitness) and NASM (National Association of Sports Medicine), this linked his passion for the human body in fashion and design with science and encouraged him to further study in basic anatomy, physiology, and psychology.

These steps confirmed my growing interest in preventive medicine, outcomes, effectiveness, and quality of care. He believes they are fundamental to our nation’s health. We must achieve efficiency and access without sacrificing quality.

The CHEK institute was a paradigm shifting insight as Gareth found insights into the metabolic health of the body. He took classes in Body Psychotherapy, Gestalt and Feldenkrais exercises and Biodynamic massage offered at Cambridge and now studies part time for his medical master’s in chiropractic.

He uses his skills and knowledge to develop his own integrated holistic model to optimise movement and improve human experience.